I listened to 'Flesh and Blood' for the first time in about 3 years this morning. It was a glorious dawn as I waited for the bus; frigid crisp air kissing my cheeks and the intoxicating wash of midnight blue fading to the pale of early morning. I love Bryan Ferry's voice. I hadn't heard 'Oh, Yeah' in so long and I remembered how much I love his fluttery tenor.
I can't wait for Jackie to get home. Marriage does strange things to the passing of time. The day of the wedding was a rapid fire blur, fast as a shooting star we were kissing in the church and then drinking wine in the hotel room. Last night was the first night I have had to spend away from him since we got married and it feels as though I haven't laid eyes on him for a week.
Time passes in strange ways these days. Reading 'The Grapes of Wrath' at work made my breaks stretch out considerable but now that I have the blasted iPhone my break goes by in an instant. Is this the coil of technology? Is it speeding up time? Is marriage speeding up time?
All I want is sleep right now...